Oklahoma Health Care Authority

If you are looking for information regarding SoonerCare or State Medicaid plans, please consult the OCHA Website

Oklahoma State University Medical Center, Tulsa Oklahoma 

Basic Information


The Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OCHA)  is Governed by the OCHA Board of Directors. The Board provides oversight on the OCHA and may direct actions. The Board of Directors is composed of 7 members, two are appointed by the Speaker-Pro-Tempore of the Oklahoma Senate, The Speaker of House of Representatives of Oklahoma appoints two and the last 3 are appointed by the Governor of Oklahoma. The Board is led by the chairman. 

Board Members are not compensated for their services and serve 4 year renewable terms. 

Day to Day operations are overseen by the CEO and the Deputy Medicaid Director. The CEO is appointed by the Governor with the advise and consent of the Oklahoma Senate. 

Mission and Responsibility

The OCHA administers the joint Federal/State Medicaid program SoonerCare . The program is jointly funded by the State Of Oklahoma and the U.S Federal Government.